Ways We Can Support You
The Operations Manager and the Assistant Director of Career Services are here to support your School of Human Ecology student organization.
Ways we can help:
- Student Organization Registration
- Marketing your organization to SoHE students
- Reserving rooms in Nancy Nicholas Hall
- Interpreting CfLI policy
- Connections with guest speakers
- Building connections with other SoHE Student Org Leaders
Reach out to us with your questions or to schedule an appointment with Ashley at aschladweile@wisc.edu.
Looking for assistance with something not listed here?
Check the Student Organization Resource and Policy Guide with the Center for Leadership and Involvement.
Marketing Your Organization
Flyers in Nancy Nicholas Hall
Public bulletin boards are located on each floor above the recycling/trash centers and are cleared on a regular basis. The school reserves the right to remove any items found inappropriate.
Flyers, papers, or other materials may not be attached to walls, exterior doors, columns, windows or surfaces other than the bulletin boards.
There is also a bulletin board in the Advising & Career Center. Please send or bring a copy of your flyer to Ashley Schladweiler in Nancy Nicholas Hall 1194 to hang your flyer in the Advising & Career Center.
SoHE Scoop/General Emails
The SoHE Scoop is our bi-weekly e-newsletter sent to all School of Human Ecology students. If you would like your event to be included in the SoHE Scoop, you will need to send your marketing to our staff members who create the scoop at accintern@sohe.wisc.edu. This will need to be sent a minimum of two weeks in advance.
If you would like an email sent to all SoHE students or a sub-set of SoHE students, please send the below requirements to Ashley at aschladweile@wisc.edu
- The full email text
- Who you would like it sent to
- Who you would like it sent from (the email address and name)
- Who you would like anyone to reply to (the email address and name)
- Any survey links/pictures you would like included in the email
Digital Signage in Nancy Nicholas Hall
Nancy Nicholas Hall has several electronic display systems. The Digital Signage TV is located outside the Advising & Career Center. There is also a Digital Signage TV in the Centers on the fourth floor of Nancy Nicholas Hall. If your flyer is deemed relevant to the Centers, it will be posted here as well. If you would like to have a sign posted, please send it to Ashley Schladweiler at aschladweile@wisc.edu.
Flyer Size for ACC TV: 1080 x 1280
Flyer Size for Centers TV: 1920 x 1080
SoHE Student Org Fair
January 29th, 2024 from 4-6pm in the Link
Each SoHE dual-registered organization will have a table available by 3pm to set up their booth at. No registration required.
Room Reservation Request
If you are a registered SoHE Student Org, use this form to request a reserved room in Nancy Nicholas Hall(1199, the link, Innovation Lab (2194A), 2235/55, 3rd floor classrooms/space, 100-woman wall area) for meetings, programming, and other events.
If you have questions about the form contact Ashley Schladweiler at aschladweile@wisc.edu.